• papadwight

  • by papadwight

Papadwight- OLD school Where a mans word is everthing. Commodore 64c with 64c backup and 128 backup, Comet 64-xm1541 cable 2-1541 drives-1-1541-2 and a 1571 and xp with c64 forever too, Working on commodore laptop. have old 1670 modem too, but don.t uses. Ase-Mechinic, Retired


? would tape games put on commodore server.com

converted to disk than save on commodoreserver be easy to load on a real c64 or 128 and give all people here access to 1,000 of commodore games and be much faster than tape

Got my comet working with me working now,  but seems like it would make commodre server much more if you could access 100, of the great tape games.  I may be nuts, What do you feel about it.  And somebody who knows alot more about programming.                                                    Papadwight.

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judland 6/6/2012

I think converting tape images to disk images is a pretty simple process. Just load the game from tape into the C64's memory, then instead of RUN, just SAVE the game to disk. I've done this for a few .T64 tape images and it seems to work pretty well.