• papadwight

  • by papadwight

Papadwight- OLD school Where a mans word is everthing. Commodore 64c with 64c backup and 128 backup, Comet 64-xm1541 cable 2-1541 drives-1-1541-2 and a 1571 and xp with c64 forever too, Working on commodore laptop. have old 1670 modem too, but don.t uses. Ase-Mechinic, Retired


Had to look at my picture on server

Had to look at all the pictures put up on server cause most were done on a real 64c.

Think a lot of my 64s.  When I was getting everthing to put back up one things I got was a 20 flat screen tv monitor combo,  And things do look great on it.   I do take pictures of it on a a hp320 which is old like me and the 64.  But i know how to work the 320 Always like it paid 100.00 for it new so when I saw it on ebay for 2.53 had to get,  My son broke the other one. Before I even started my 64 up again after years I ordered my comet64 and a lot of other things that were out new for the 64.  The comet64 modem has been the best out of all those things and hope to replace it with a cometplus which looks great. 


Commodore 64 lives and lives large.

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