• papadwight

  • by papadwight

Papadwight- OLD school Where a mans word is everthing. Commodore 64c with 64c backup and 128 backup, Comet 64-xm1541 cable 2-1541 drives-1-1541-2 and a 1571 and xp with c64 forever too, Working on commodore laptop. have old 1670 modem too, but don.t uses. Ase-Mechinic, Retired


This new commodore server file index

Just printed a inv on my xt great.

Just saved commodore server index changed it to tex file at save which prints darker and my old self could see.

I buy or colloect sometimes 7 or 8 version of a great game for commodore and have a ccs64 and version that run on a real 64.  They always don't run on both.  So I got to see name blocks to tell which version or I will end up saving it more than once. This is a great + for commodore server and gamers and collectors.

                                                                           Thanks Papadwight

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judland 7/31/2012

So, how many lines in your exported text file (that is, how many games do you have in your list)?

papadwight 8/3/2012

214 programs about 160 games-than apps and things and educational

papadwight 8/3/2012

Had to update a few index to count them