• papadwight

  • by papadwight

Papadwight- OLD school Where a mans word is everthing. Commodore 64c with 64c backup and 128 backup, Comet 64-xm1541 cable 2-1541 drives-1-1541-2 and a 1571 and xp with c64 forever too, Working on commodore laptop. have old 1670 modem too, but don.t uses. Ase-Mechinic, Retired


Was so happy with myself

made 5 new programs for Kathryn and all of them work

Late last night trying all my education programs for Kathryn,  none seem to do want I wanted or had her spelling words in them.  So I sit down and write a program that well do it.  It had some mistakes but kind of runs correction here there and it runs.  Well so I work on 4 more counting, matching,address and phone number review get all working great.  Looked on the net for another spelling program,  put it on server download to the same disk as my new programs.  Run it and it says this is not shareware or pd program so ok I well delete it. 

but its on the disk with all the programs I wrote for her,  seemed easy load up uni-copy copy all mine to another disk and than reformat that disk.  Dont how it was done but now every program has more in it than I put in it and does cazy things screen blinking but wont run on list all knids of cazy peeks and pokes on each program now.

All he had to do was say please pay me for my program not screw up every program on my disk.


                                                                                    Thats why God made IBM

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