• Public Disks

  • Compute!'s Gazette

Public Disk: 1987-01.d64



0 "GAZETTE JAN 87  " BA 2A
1   "MENU            " PRG  812
20  "128 BOOKS       " PRG  16385
1   "128 CONTENTS    " SEQ   
9   "128 MENU        " PRG  7169
6   "128 SOUND/1     " PRG  7169
21  "128 SOUND/2     " PRG  7169
21  "64 BOOKS        " PRG  2049
3   "64 CONTENTS     " SEQ   
9   "CHRSET          " PRG  8192
2   "COMPUTE!        " PRG  2049
4   "COMPUTECOLOR    " PRG  55296
4   "COMPUTESCREEN   " PRG  1024
20  "CONNECT'EM/128  " PRG  7169
20  "CONNECT'EM      " PRG  2049
1   "DATA-AID.BOOT   " PRG  2049
5   "DATA-AID        " PRG  49152
10  "DEC ML          " PRG  49152
7   "DECIPEDE        " PRG  2049
1   "FKEYS.BOOT      " PRG  2049
2   "FUNCTION KEYS   " PRG  49152
16  "GAZETTE         " PRG  2049
12  "ICON CHANGER    " PRG  2049
7   "INFO PLEASE     " PRG  2049
6   "KEYWORD CONST   " PRG  2049
5   "MEDIUM RES DEMO " PRG  2049
1   "MEDIUM RES.BOOT " PRG  2049
2   "MEDIUM RES      " PRG  51000
18  "MLX/128         " PRG  7169
18  "MLX             " PRG  2049
9   "MN              " PRG  2049
3   "NT              " PRG  2049
6   "PROOFREADER     " PRG  7169
15  "VIDEO SETUP     " PRG  7169




Snapshots are created by the disk publisher. Each snapshot represents a disk image in time. Earlier snapshots of this disk will likely have older versions of a program or will not have all of the same files as on newer snapshots. It is possible for snapshots to be missing if the publisher removed them.