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  • Games

Public Disk: GFGE.d64

"GFGE            " 20 2A


Snapshots are created by the disk publisher. Each snapshot represents a disk image in time. Earlier snapshots of this disk will likely have older versions of a program or will not have all of the same files as on newer snapshots. It is possible for snapshots to be missing if the publisher removed them.

  • Snapshot 2 [8/23/2012] 
  • "THE GREAT ESCAPE": Fixed bug that cropped up when I commented out ("REM") the lines relating to loading the "MENU" program from this program.
  • Snapshot 3 [8/23/2012] 
  • "TREASURE HUNT": Fixed bug in the lines displaying "YOU ARE SEEKING THE TREASURE BURIED BY THE CREW OF THE JOLLY ROGER IN " a year between 1600 to 1899. (Though irrelevant to the game, it makes for a more interesting adventure.)
  • Snapshot 8 [8/23/2012] 
  • General: UnREMmed the lines relating to loading programs from other programs. "MARS": Deleted the "SAVE" and "LOAD" subroutines as they contain "OPEN" statements that V-1541 cannot handle (yet).
  • Snapshot 10 [8/24/2012] 
  • "TREASURE HUNT": Fixed a piece of code in the cannibal attack routine.
  • Snapshot 11 [8/24/2012] 
  • "MARS": Fixed initialization routine where the score was not reset to 0 if the user would start a new game.
  • Snapshot 16 [9/3/2012] 
  • "THE GREAT ESCAPE": Fixed bug in routine where the mysteriously ticking box explodes and the player is not carrying it.
  • Snapshot 17 [9/3/2012] 
  • "MARS": Tried to fix "?BAD SUBSCRIPT ERROR" that cropped up when a player starts a new game after the previous game ended.
  • Snapshot 18 [9/3/2012] 
  • "MARS": Ravine subroutine improved.
  • Snapshot 19 [9/4/2012] 
  • "MARS": CLIMB command improved.
  • Snapshot 20 [9/4/2012] 
  • "MARS": Fixed bug in initialization routine where the monster kill score (SV) was not being reset to 0 at the start of the program.
  • Snapshot 21 [9/8/2012] 
  • "THE GOLDEN FLUTE": Fixed bug in initialization routine where two Magic Zithers were being created. I'm sure the writer was using the TRS-80 book, which contained the error. One Zither should have actually been an enchanted land mine. This has been fixed.
  • Snapshot 22 [9/8/2012] 
  • "THE GOLDEN FLUTE": Enchanted land mine explosion routine was completely wrong. I have fixed and optimized it.
  • Snapshot 23 [9/9/2012] 
  • "MARS": Fixed bug in "KILL" command routine where an attempt to kill a Grimph with the metal pipe was not being directed properly.
  • Snapshot 24 [9/11/2012] 
  • All programs: Changed the RND(1) statements to RND(0); this will utilize a truly random seed while playing the game.
  • Snapshot 25 [9/16/2012] 
  • "MENU": Minor update to the line saying "64K RAM SYSTEM"; now displays the true amount of RAM free.
  • Snapshot 26 [9/28/2012] 
  • "MARS": Added two-letter directional move commands ("NE"=Northeast, "NW"=Northwest, "SE"=Southeast, "SW"=Southwest), and updated instructions accordingly.
  • Snapshot 27 [9/30/2012] 
  • "MARS": Implemented the two-letter directional commands ("NW," "NE," "SE", and "SW") across the entire program -- previously, those commands were only acceptable in the main command parser.
  • Snapshot 28 [10/2/2012] 
  • "MARS": Fixed bug in CLIMB command where the two-letter directional commands ("NW", "NE", "SE", and "SW") were previously not being recognized properly by the routine.
  • Snapshot 29 [10/4/2012] 
  • "TREASURE HUNT": Fixed bug in cannibal attack routine.
  • Snapshot 30 [10/11/2012] 
  • "THE GOLDEN FLUTE": Improved the monster encounter routine to give certain monsters (dragon, gargoyle, goblin) personality. In order from most agreeable to nastiest: Ancient dwarf, Magic Sparrow, goblin, dragon, gargoyle.
  • Snapshot 31 [11/17/2012] 
  • "MARS": Changed my mind -- removed the two-letter directional commands from the game. "TREASURE HUNT": Added a way for the user to select the skill level of the game (from 1 to 7 or random).
  • Snapshot 32 [11/21/2012] 
  • "TREASURE HUNT": Modified the level randomizer -- it was making certain characters die too easily.
  • Snapshot 33 [11/23/2012] 
  • "MARS": Optimization. Used DEF FN R(A)=INT(RND(1)*A+1) in the initialization routine to set up the random number function. When the program requires a random number, it will look to this function (i.e. X=FN R(10) picks a random number from 1 to 10).
  • Snapshot 34 [11/26/2012] 
  • "THE GREAT ESCAPE": Fixed bug in message display after the user gave some gold coins to the robot.
  • Snapshot 36 [3/12/2014] 
  • General: Added line 0 to all programs (except "MARS") to re-set the Commodore 64 to its default colors. This is to accommodate for running these programs from other programs with different colors.
  • Snapshot 37 [8/7/2014] 
  • "THE GOLDEN FLUTE": Added a new twist to the sequence activated when Kluffoot or Friek is encountered. More than likely, after either has re-stolen the Flute, Terak will now move his lair. (Fortunately, the gargoyles surrounding it didn't go with him ;) )
  • Snapshot 38 [9/6/2016] 
  • "THE GOLDEN FLUTE": Added safeguards in moving Terak's lair that prevents the Woodlands and Purlicon Mountain from being selected as his new targets.
  • Snapshot 39 [3/25/2017] 
  • "THE GOLDEN FLUTE": For some reason, a bug resurfaced in the line where it's supposed to reload the "MENU" at the end of the game, but it's querying the wrong device number (8 instead of 2). This problem has been fixed again, hopefully for good this time.
  • Snapshot 40 [6/18/2017] 
  • All programs: Optimization. Implemented DEF FN R(A)=INT(RND(1)*A+1) globally. Also replaced memory-wasting PRINT CHR$(147) statements with PRINT "(Shift+Clr/Home)" statements.
  • Snapshot 41 [5/29/2018] 
  • "THE GREAT ESCAPE": Fixed bug in initialization routine where the Evil Merchant was not being initialized correctly.
  • Snapshot 42 [6/9/2018] 
  • "THE GREAT ESCAPE": Fixed bug in "cut new exit" routine where cutting an exit to the west was not working. Added provisions so that, when an exit was cut successfully, the opposite exit in the adjacent room would also be open (e.g. north/south).
  • Snapshot 43 [6/12/2018] 
  • Fixed some code in the Special Tests routine where the player was not putting down the mysteriously ticking box properly; i.e. he still had it after having supposedly dropped it.
  • Snapshot 44 [7/3/2018] 
  • "THE GREAT ESCAPE": Regression fixes. There seems to be a bug in Windows 10's OneDrive client app that prevents changes from being synced properly, so I've had to switch to a different cloud storage services. Some old bugs resurfaced, but I've fixed most.
  • Snapshot 45 [7/21/2018] 
  • "MARS": Overhauled Kufu attack routine so it could jump to where it says "IT EATS YOU!" To accomplish this, I changed the "IF/THEN" statements to "ON X GOTO" statements. I may implement "ON X GOTO" globally in the future. Let me know what you think.
  • Snapshot 46 [5/20/2019] 
  • "MARS": Fixed a bad bug that cropped up in the overhauled Kufu attack routine.
  • Snapshot 47 [7/17/2019]    Viewing
  • This is kind of a "major" update for this disk such that 255 characters is not enough to describe all the changes I've made in such a short time, so I've created a sequential file ("SNAPSHOT #47.SEQ") to do the talking for me.